What’s Missing?

I think I may be going through some kind of mid-life crisis. I turned the big 4 0 last year and for the past several months I’ve felt so lost. I’m not sure what the deal is. I feel like I just need some kind of major life change. It feels as though I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I work full-time at a job that I don’t really enjoy but feel very fortunate to have, I’m a mom, and a wife. I have a lot on my plate. But not a lot of what I want to do. And what do I want to do? Well that’s the million dollar question. I feel like I’m searching for something but don’t know what that something is. It’s the weirdest thing. My whole adult life I’ve been the responsible wife and mom that everyone has expected me to be. I’ve devoted my life to ensuring that my children have what they need and want. They have been my #1 priority since I first found out that I was pregnant when I was 18. I’ve dedicated my life to them. Now they are 21 and 15 and don’t really need me so much anymore. They are creating their own lives which is exactly how it should be. That is what I raised them to do. I’ve been a mom my whole adult life so maybe that’s why it’s difficult to think of being anything else. I think I need to find out who I actually am. I know that sounds strange but I haven’t had time in my adult life to really get to know myself. What do I like? What do I like to do? These are things that get pushed to the side when you are a mom. At this point all I can do is continue to search for what I am missing. Stay positive.